A chicken is a type of
domesticated bird which is
often raised as a type of
poultry. Chickens are the
most common bird in the
world. with a population of
approximately 24 billion.
Male chickens are known as
roosters (in the U.S., Canada
and Australia), cockerels, or
cocks. Female chickens are
known as hens, or 'chooks' in
Australasian English. Roosters
can be differentiated from
hens by their striking
plumage, marked by long
flowing tails and bright
pointed feathers on their
necks. Both the male and
female have distinctive
wattles and combs that help
to cool the bird by redirecting
bloodflow to the skin.
Chickens are often kept in
gardens, not just in farms and
can make loving and gentle
pets, Chickens are
omnivores and will feed on
small seeds, herbs and
leaves, grubs, insects and
even small mammals like
mice, if they can get them.